As a Kentico Xperience Hosting Partner, whatever your hosting requirements, Discover Digital has the expertise to work with you and deliver your hosting environment. Hosting with a reliable service and uptime and above all, keeping your business safely online 24/7.
We have deployed and managed hosting in these configurations:
Our recommended approach will always meet Kentico's Server and hosting requirements. Additionally, the site and server will be configured to maximise the performance of Kentico.
Discover Digital also is experienced in configuring Active Monitoring, to continuous monitor website uptime and business-critical workflows.
Discover Digital is a long-term strategic partner of Wirehive and Pax8, indirect providers in Microsoft’s Cloud Solution Provider program. This partnership augments the hosting proposition providing additional technical and management support.
If you need to host Kentico Xperience in a highly-available, secure, stable, and scalable environment, and require expert assistance to achieve this, get in touch for a free Audit.